
成功参加博天堂官方入口登陆登录运动生理学理学硕士课程要求候选人具备满足课程要求的能力. 虽然该计划可能会修改某些课程要求,为残疾人士提供与非残疾人士同等的机会,以取得与非残疾人士同等的成绩, there are no substitutes for the following essential skills.

In preparation for professional roles, 运动生理学专业的学生需要展示出满足职业领域需求的能力. 某些功能能力对于提供安全有效的干预措施至关重要. 运动生理学理学硕士课程的申请人必须满足并保持以下安全和技术标准,以便在整个课程中取得进展. 不能达到这些技术标准的学生将无法完成课程. 学生达到技术标准的能力如有任何变化,应及时通知项目.

Technical Standards


Communication Ability

学生必须进行有效的口头和非口头沟通,以获得重要信息,并清楚地向他人解释信息,并促进患者之间的沟通, family members and other professionals. 每个学生都必须具备说和理解英语的能力,以及能够以符合高等教育识字标准的方式阅读和写作. 学生必须能够积极倾听,并具备基本的采访技巧. The student must be able to document and maintain accurate records, 并以专业和适当的方式向目标受众呈现信息.

Intellectual/Cognitive Ability

学生必须具备锻炼生理学领域所必需的批判性思维和解决问题的能力. Problem solving skills include the ability to measure, calculate, reason, analyze, synthesize, and judge objective and subjective data, 并及时做出反映深思熟虑和合理判断的决定. The student must also possess the ability to comprehend, retain, 从多个来源中检索和整合先前的知识与新信息,包括, but not limited to self, peers, 指导教师和相关文献,为有能力的客户/患者管理制定合理的决策, practice management and scholarship.

Interpersonal Attributes

学生应表现出足够稳定的情绪行为,以有效地与他人合作, perform assessment, and perform intervention activities. Empathy, integrity, motivation, honesty, 和关怀是运动生理学理学硕士课程所要求的个人品质. 学生必须有能力与个人建立融洽的关系并保持相互尊重的人际关系, families, groups and professionals from a variety of social, emotional, cultural and intellectual backgrounds and to collaborate effectively. Each student must be able to adapt to changing environments, 表现出灵活性和积极的态度,接受并整合课堂和专业环境中提出的建设性批评. In addition, 学生必须对自己的行为和对他人的反应表现出个人的责任感和责任感, groups, 情境包括在课堂和专业环境中迅速完成所有职责和任务. 学生必须表现出持续的自我评估,以提高专业水平.

Ability to Manage Stressful Situations

The student must be able to adapt to, and function effectively in relation to, 在课堂和专业环境中遇到的压力情况, including emergency situations. 在运动生理学理学硕士课程中,学生将遇到多种压力源, and must effectively manage these stressors on an ongoing basis. 这些压力源可能与(但不限于)个人问题有关, family, peers, supervisors/faculty, and clients/patients.

Health Screening and Background Check

The student is required to have completed a health screening, 根据疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)目前对卫生专业人员的建议,更新免疫接种和结核病筛查, 根据实习单位的要求进行犯罪背景调查和药物筛选. 在下述情况下,将逐案考虑免疫要求的例外情况, for example, a student has an allergy to a vaccine or one of its components. If an exception to the immunization requirements is approved, 大学不能保证其附属医院和诊所将允许学生参与病人护理, 该项目临床教育的基本要求是什么.


An applicant/candidate with a handicap shall not, on the basis of his or her handicap, except those that would preclude the essential skills outlined above, be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, nor be subjected to discrimination in the program. 博天堂官方入口登陆登录可能会要求申请人/学生进行身体检查和/或职业技能评估.

所有运动生理学理学硕士的学生必须能够履行学生运动生理学家的基本职能. 根据1990年《博天堂官方入口登陆登录》的要求,将为残疾学生提供合理的便利. 学生不能再履行学生物理治疗师的基本职能,必须向他/她的项目顾问报告. If reasonable accommodations cannot be made, 该学生将不能继续攻读运动生理学理学硕士课程.

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